Design, engineering and technology

DT skills knowledge organisers
Two knowledge organisers. One focusing on food preparation skills and one focusing on different stitch types. Contains pictures, diagrams and text.

DT cooking pizzas knowledge organiser
A two-paged knowledge organiser for DT cooking. It has a recipe for pizza dough on one page and pizza sauce on the other. It contains photos to show how to prepare food safely.

DT carrot soup knowledge organiser
A two-page knowledge organiser with a recipe for carrot soup. Aimed at upper KS2 it contains a full recipe plus illustrations and descriptions of how to prepare ingredients safely.

Food preparation knowledge organiser
A two-page knowledge organiser to explain the basic health and safety guidance of food preparation and some safe cutting grips to use.

Sewing Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser to teach running stitch, back stitch and whip stitch. The organiser contains diagrams plus instructions.